Readers Respond: Best Back-to-School Advice
by Callie Collins
Aug 29, 2024
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Readers Respond: Best Back-to-School Advice

Back-to-school season is a challenging time for household logistics. We asked our readers to share their best advice. A selection of their answers is included here to help others ease into the new school year.

Q. What is your #1 tip for parents with school-aged children to balance busy work/home life? 

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Luis Carmona
Have a routine established before school starts and everything else will fall in place. - Luis Carmona (Left)

Always have clothes set out the night before & have dinner ready by 5 pm so the kids are ready to wind down early. - Shannon Snyder

Always say "Yes!" To those offering to help. Even if you don't have a scheduled plan. Use the heartfelt offer to get some "Me time". This is essential to balance all the things. - Alison Roomsburg

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Ashley Cantrell
Communication with your partner and being willing to compromise/support each other's goals. - Ashley Cantrell (Right)

Treat family time as a non-negotiable appointment (doing anything - puzzles, movies, baking, crafts, exercise, etc.). When I schedule specific quality time with my daughter, I'm sending a clear message that she's a priority. - Brian Hughes

My biggest tip would be to have everything scheduled out as best as you can! - Denise Johnson

Bonnie Munoz
Leave work at work. Don't spend time working extra when you could be at home with your children. - Bonnie Munoz (Left)

Creating a predictable pattern, rhythm or schedule at home (before and after school) to intentionally maximize and enjoy every waking moment we have with our kids. - Dr. Emmanuel Mourtzanos

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