Local CALM Animals Join National Geographic Photo Ark
by Thygerson Vaun
Contributing writer and mother of three
Feb 01, 2024
Internationally celebrated photographer and conservationist Joel Sartore’s creation, the National Geographic Photo Ark, features portraits of CALM animals as part of its 15,000 at-risk species he’s already documented.  He is on track to reach his goal of photographing 20,000 species living in the world’s zoos, aquariums, and wildlife sanctuaries. Through his decades-long project, Sartore aims to inspire action through education and help save wildlife by supporting on-the-ground conservation efforts.

During his visit to CALM, he photographed Nubbins, the Antelope ground squirrel; Pocky, the pocket mouse; Tula, the deer mouse; Tina, the American porcupine; Wrong Way, the scrub jay; and Juniper and Beatrix, two mule deer.

For more information and to view the local animals’ photos, visit www.news.kern.org. And, for a more complete photo spread of this impressive project, visit www.joelsartore.com/photo-ark.

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