11 Ways to Teach Your Kids to Give a Compliment
by Callie Collins
Feb 01, 2024
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Knowing how to talk with others, especially in social situations, can be challenging at any age. Teaching children how to speak kindly to others is a tall order for parents, especially in households where communication doesn’t come naturally. Giving a compliment can be an easy introduction to conversations with others but doing so sincerely and well is an art.

Here are 11 ways to teach your kids to give a compliment:

Focus on the truth: Compliments that are genuine are best received.

Help children focus on others: Remove distractions in social situations like screens or headphones.

Start with a name: Encourage children to learn others’ names and start a compliment with addressing the person by their proper title.

Speak up: Learning to speak clearly and loud enough to be heard is an important part of conversation. Delivering a compliment can be done one-on-one but the awkwardness of the moment intensifies if the speaker has to repeat themselves.

Smile and make eye contact: Nonverbal communication is also important. Children may not realize the value of being personable.

Don’t be too personal: Don’t make it weird. Focus on socially acceptable topics.

Keep it short: Encourage your child to deliver a compliment by pointing out what is unique about the characteristic in question.

Practice with your child: Let them see you give compliments to others. Modeling is the best way to make good communication skills stick.

Give grace: Like all people, some children are better communicators than others. Allow them to try their skills in low pressure situations.

Teach course correction: If a conversation isn’t going well, children will need to know how to pivot.

Plan for alternatives: A card, sticky note or text message are also acceptable methods of communicating a compliment.

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