11 Ways to Find Self-Care This Fall
by Callie Collins
Sep 27, 2022
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Fall marks the changing of seasons, which is also an ideal time for personal change. After a summer of caring for children, prioritizing yourself may seem difficult. Losing the ability to identify restorative self-care practices that lead to a sense of rest and renewal is not uncommon for people in a caregiving role, often of young children or elderly family members. Make the most of summer’s end by enjoying autumn-themed activities.

11 autumn-themed self-care activities:

1. Envision what self-care looks like:

Caregivers are often so busy meeting others’ needs, they are used to putting their own aside. Imagine the care you would offer someone else, any time of year, and choose to give yourself what you need. Work in something special from the season for a different experience than what you’re used to during other months of the year.

2. Take a walk in cooler weather:

After a scorching summer, find comfort in cooler weather. Enjoy a stroll outside as the leaves turn. Exercise increases endorphins and other positive brain chemistry.

3. Plan a seasonal venue visit:

Choose to take an intentional day for yourself at a seasonal venue exclusive to fall, like a pumpkin patch or other favorite place to visit.

4. Indulge in the tastes of autumn:

Find a seasonal flavor you’ve been looking forward to, like pumpkin spice, maple or apple. Whether you enjoy coffee, a pastry or another favorite, give yourself something to look forward to each year.

5. Try baking:

Try a family recipe or something new but experience fall by going through the cooking process if culinary experiences are cathartic to you. Cobblers, crisps, pies, soups and stews can be a way to share the experience.

6. Change your wardrobe:

Change out seasonal clothes and streamline your morning routine by getting items out of the way that are no longer needed.

7. Clean summer clutter:

Put away seasonal articles you will no longer need for another year. Clutter contributes to anxiety, so clearing visual chaos is a must when people need a break.

8. Choose your playlist:

Make a new soundtrack for your autumn life. Move on from songs that no longer serve your place and purpose.

9. Select a new scent:

Simple swaps of household items, from shampoos and perfumes to cleaning products, can make your environment feel different. Shift to a new season with new scents.

10. Take a day off:

Whether it’s a day off work or a day away from family, take some intentional time away. Prioritize your mental health.

11. Choose a cozy:

Light a candle, bring out your fuzzy blankets and select a scarf. Lean into comfort in ways you know.

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