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Refrigerator Door: Local Voices, News & Trends
California State University, Bakersfield recently held a groundbreaking ceremony for its Basic Needs Department and a Food Pantry to help students experiencing food insecurity or a housing crisis. ...more
Teen Talk: Hear Today, Gone Tomorrow
Parents, encourage the teens in your life to protect their hearing now. ...more
Teen Talk: Humor at Home: Traumatic 12's
She called my friends and me “hormones with feet” all that year and giggled behind her hand, like she had a special secret. ...more
5 Ways: Meal Prepping in Five Easy Ways
With these five easy steps, you will be able to throw together a fast, healthy, and budget friendly meal, while reducing stress, and gaining quality family time. ...more
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Hello, Happy Mama: Cherese Grell
Recognizing people’s best attributes is a skill Cherese Grell has perfected throughout her life. Cherese is the director of CityServe Kern and owner of strategic growth firm Positive Results Unlimited ...more
Book Reviews: Get Your Duck Books All in a Row
National Rubber Ducky Day (Jan. 13) has us thinking about duckies—rubber, plush or real ones! Here are our favorite books about ducks! ...more
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