Five Ways to Structure Intentional Downtime
by Callie Collins
Mar 28, 2024
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Tension, stress and anxiety: Being overscheduled can cause emotional problems in children.

Making room for intentional downtime can help ease feelings of overwhelm.

Schedule free time

    Allow for intentional gaps in your family’s calendar. Keep a regular schedule of free time that is predictable and respected. Know that the time your family has free is just as important as your schedule of commitments. Having unscheduled time is vital for children to explore their space, dream, imagine and play creatively.

Plan for a mental break, too

Filling free time with books, video games, movies or your phone can feel like it defeats the purpose of planned free time because of the mental capacity required to engage in something else. Disconnect with time away from screens and alternate realities. Give your mind a break to improve your focus and ability to process new information.

Replace scheduled time with time together

Use your downtime to reinforce social relationships. Check in with your spouse, children and friends. Include time together to improve your communication. Find out how everyone else is doing during their busy times as well.

Give yourself permission to take the free time you need

Change starts with oneself. Slowing down from endless chores, work and outside obligations can be a difficult shift. Taking care of yourself should be a priority over pressing issues for at least a few hours each week.

Set a good example

  Children learn from what they observe. If our young people grow up seeing their parents and other caregivers prioritizing their wellbeing, that sense of balance will be passed along. Just as we would hope our children will have the opportunity to relax and recharge, we must make the most of those opportunities for ourselves in order to pass along positive life habits. 

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